Ron Peretz

Senior Lecturer, Economics department, Bar Ilan University, Israel.
I won an ISF grant (2020-2023) and I look for a mathematically oriented postdoc. Candidates are welcome to send me their CV.
Working Paper
- D. Elboim, Y. Peres, R. Peretz. The Asynchronous DeGroot Dynamics (arxiv).
Journal Publications
- G. Amir, O. Angel, R. Baldasso, R. Peretz (2022). Dynamical noise sensitivity for the voter model. Electronic Communications of Probability 27, 1-7.(paper)
- R. Peretz, A. Schreiber, E. Schulte-Geers (2022). The Lipschitz Constant of Perturbed Anonymous Games. International Journal of Game Theory 51, 293–306. (paper)
- I. Arieli, Y. Babichenko, R. Peretz, H. P. Young (2020). The speed of innovation diffusion in social networks. Econometrica, 88(2), 569-594.(paper)
- Z. Hellman, R. Peretz (2020). A survey on entropy and economic behaviour. Entropy 22 (2), 157.(paper)
- G. Bavly, R. Peretz (2019). Limits of correlation in repeated games with bounded memory, Games and Economic Behavior, 115, 131-145.(paper)
- Y. Babichenko, Y. Emek, M. Feldman, B. Patt-Shamir, R. Peretz, R. Smorodinsky (2019). Stable Secretaries. Algorithmica, 81 (8), 3136-3161.(paper)
- Z. Hellman, R. Peretz (2018). Values for Cooperative Games over Graphs and Games with Inadmissible Coalitions, Games and Economic Behavior, 108 (in honour of Lloyd Shapley), 22-36.(paper)
- Y. Babichenko, S. Barman, R. peretz (2016) Empirical Distribution of Equilibrium Play and Its Testing Application, Mathematics of Operations Research 42 (1), 15-29.(paper)
- O. Gossner, P. Hernandez, R. Peretz (2016). The Complexity of Interacting Automata, International Journal of Game Theory 45 (1), 461-496.(paper)
- R. Peretz (2015). Effective Martingales with Restricted Wagers, Information and Computation 245, 152-164.(paper)
- G. Bavly, R.Peretz (2015). How to Gamble Against All Odds, Games and Economic Behavior 94 (1), 157-168.(paper)
- Y. Babichenko, Y. Peres, R. Peretz, P. Sousi, and P. Winkler (2014). Hunter, Cauchy Rabbit, and Optimal Kakeya Sets, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366 (10), 5567-5586.(paper)
- R. Peretz (2013). Learning Cycle Length through Finite Automata, Mathematics of Operations Research 38 (3), 526-534.(paper)
- R. Peretz (2013). Correlation through Bounded Recall Strategies, International Journal of Game Theory 42 (4), 867-890.(paper)
- R. Peretz (2012). The Strategic Value of Recall, Games and Economic Behavior 74 (1), 332-351.(paper)
Conference Papers
- Y. Babichenko, S. Barman, and R. Peretz (2014). Simple Approximate Equilibria in Large Games, 15th ACM conference on Economics and Computation.
- Y. Babichenko, Y. Emek, M. Feldman, B. Patt-Shamir, R. Peretz, R. Smorodinsky (2017). Stable Secretaries, 18th ACM conference on Economics and Computation.
- G. Amir, I. Arieli, G. Ashkenazi-Golan, R. Peretz (2022). Granular DeGroot Dynamics - a Model for Robust Naive Learning in Social Networks, 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.